We strongly believe in the power of exercise to help fight the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Not sure where to start? Below is a link to a useful resource that shows many ways to bring more exercise into your daily life.
Source: https://www.parkinsons.va.gov/NorthWest/Documents/Pt_ed_handouts/Exercise_for_PD_1-20-12.pdf It is never too late to become active. Here are some specific ideas you can try to increase your activity level: • Take a walk • Walk 20 steps in your normal way • Then take 20 long steps • Then 20 normal steps • Then swing your arms for 20 steps • Repeat for the duration of your walk • Get off the bus one stop early or park the car one block away • Use the stairs instead of the elevator • Lift cans of soup, or any small weight, to exercise your arms (see strengthening exercises section) • Do leg exercises while watching television. • Join an exercise class. One of the best ways to stay motivated is to exercise with others.
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