We strongly believe in the power of exercise to help fight the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Not sure where to start? Below is a link to a useful resource that shows many ways to bring more exercise into your daily life.
Source: https://www.parkinsons.va.gov/NorthWest/Documents/Pt_ed_handouts/Exercise_for_PD_1-20-12.pdf It is never too late to become active. Here are some specific ideas you can try to increase your activity level: • Take a walk • Walk 20 steps in your normal way • Then take 20 long steps • Then 20 normal steps • Then swing your arms for 20 steps • Repeat for the duration of your walk • Get off the bus one stop early or park the car one block away • Use the stairs instead of the elevator • Lift cans of soup, or any small weight, to exercise your arms (see strengthening exercises section) • Do leg exercises while watching television. • Join an exercise class. One of the best ways to stay motivated is to exercise with others.
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Loss of balance is a common symptom for people with PD. At Rock Steady Boxing The Woodlands, we practice safe techniques for falling and for getting up from the floor.
Below is a link to a 5 minute video offered by Dailycaring.com that provides important information for anyone who has issues with falling. Source: https://dailycaring.com/video-how-to-safely-get-up-after-a-fall/ If your older adult has a minor fall, they can prevent further injury by knowing how to safely get up off the ground. Getting up incorrectly could actually cause more injury than the initial fall itself. This is an important skill because falls are common among seniors. According to the CDC, more than 25% of people age 65 and older fall each year. And, falling once doubles the chances of falling again. |
PD NewsWe will periodically post news and info about PD on our website. Knowledge is a useful tool in fighting this disease. Archives |